
My love for Jesus really inspired me to start this blog.
To write, to create and tap into the source that makes it all possible.
I wanted to be real with the world and real with myself that this relationship is not easy.
Actually no relationship is easy it requires work, time and effort.
Work, to mentality devote ones self to an actively achieve purpose.
Time, making yourself available to pursue purpose.
Effort, understanding that no matter the circumstance you will try.
My faith pushes me to not give up.
God grace and ultimate sacrifice reminds me that yet I was a sinner and nevertheless he chose to die for me and save me from the sting of death.
This LOVE is what pushes me to embark, to grow and learn.
It humbles me that my hurts, my thoughts and experiences poured out at the feet of Jesus and shared with the world will bring my deliverance and deliverance to others.
My ability to create and search within myself, will hopefully give others the hope and passion to hunger and thirst after Christ also.
That they may know that HE mends, heals, loves and changes those who relentlessly pursue him in spite of it all.

So why ?
it was For the Sake of His Love,
I am able to become Me.



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