Aug 11, 2015

Sin is so enticing, but let me tell you something: it's not your friend! I began my Christian walk a couple years ago and before I came to understand the saving knowledge of God, I was a broken girl looking for love in all the wrong places and actively participating in sex. Although I was not sleeping with the whole world I was giving my body to boys who didn't understand my value or even love me the way I deserved to be loved. Sexual sin is so powerful, it's a thrill! It feels good but it's so toxic for you, especially outside the confinement of marriage. But the world we live in tells us differently. It promotes those desires actively, especially now with social media being the forefront in our generation.  The provocative nature of pictures and videos that are readily available awaken these sexual feelings and you are made to believe you should satiate your desires instantly; that your desires are not meant to be tucked away, and that it is healthy and human nature to act on them immediately. 
I came to a point in my walk where that's all I could think about.
My heart, my mind and action went against everything God wanted. The root of these desires came from fact that I was exposed to sexual sin and also participating in it at a tender age.

I myself struggled with purity even after I was saved.

However, reading 1 Corinthians 10:13 really encouraged me today because it is straight biblical truth. It is clear that we will always face temptation (your struggle with sex, your thoughts or any form of impurity) but those temptations have not and will not over take us. So even if you are faced with the battle, remember that God will provide a way of escape because he is so faithful. Although this is truth we also have to actively walk in this, believing and using our faith and the word to fight those desires inside of us. We need to kill anything that rises against the true knowledge of God. Let's be realistic: After you read this post that thought may pop up, the urge to give in may come. You will probably get discouraged and you may not want to continue this challenge and that is OK. What is not OK is to give up, to let sin control who you are in Christ. So take your eyes off yourself and look to author and finisher of your faith and keep pursuing him. "Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." | Hebrews 12:2|

for the sake of his love, 

If you still have no idea about the #pursueinpurity challenge you can click here for more details :)

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